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JACL Olympia Chapter Receives City Council Proclamation

By October 27, 2014No Comments

By P.C. Staff

During the Olympia City Council meeting on Aug. 12, the JACL Olympia Chapter, represented by Bob Nakamura and Reiko Callner, was presented with a proclamation for its more than 30 years of service to the local community.

Presented to the chapter by Olympia Mayor Stephen Buxbaum, the chapter was recognized for its longtime service to the community and its efforts to secure and uphold full civil rights and equal justice under the law for all Americans regardless of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Mayor Buxbaum commended the chapter for its years of achievement. The Olympia chapter has been working hard to celebrate and perpetuate Japanese cultural traditions among the Japanese American community and its friends, as well as advance work in civil rights areas such as LGBTQ.

The Olympia chapter was also one of the founding co-sponsors of Unity in the Community-Stop Hate Crimes Now! It has worked with the organization to stage a successful community-wide celebration of diversity featuring speakers, dance and song. The chapter has also been an active supporter of equal rights for the LGBTQ community, marriage equality, immigrant rights and is a partner with the international group United to End Racism.

Involved heavily in the community, the chapter also celebrates and supports cultural traditions and has brought Olympia the Bon Odori summer celebration. On Aug. 16, the city recently held its 27th annual celebration.

For more information on the Olympia chapter, email

Originally published on October 17, 2014