If you enjoy reading the Pacific Citizen’s in-depth news articles, please help keep our legacy alive by donating to the Spring Campaign annual fundraiser.
Unlike any other newspaper, the Pacific Citizen tells the community stories that are important to you. These are your stories. This is your newspaper. You can make a difference.
Each year, we ask readers like you to support the Pacific Citizen by donating to the Spring Campaign. Now more than ever, we need your donation to save the legacy of the Pacific Citizen in print, to support our award-winning news coverage, and to fund our online innovations.
As funding from JACL continues to dwindle, the Pacific Citizen needs your support to continue its award-winning coverage on the heroism of World War II Nisei veterans, the fight to save Minidoka, and many other important stories like these. Without the Pacific Citizen, these stories may never be chronicled.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Spring Campaign. As one of the last running national Asian American newspapers in the U.S., the Pacific Citizen needs your help now to keep our legacy alive.
Since 1929 the Pacific Citizen has delivered in-depth news to generations of community leaders like you. Through preservation and innovation, we hope to connect generations and continue telling community stories. But we need your help to achieve this mission.
Please don’t let the Pacific Citizen’s legacy be lost. This is your newspaper and the voice of our community. Please show your support today.
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Please call our office at (213) 620-1767 Ext# 3 or email for any questions or concerns.
Refund Policy
If you wish a refund for your subscription please call (213) 620-1767 ext# 1 to place your cancellation. Please have ready the date of the credit card transaction and your email address. JACL Membership inquiries should be made to JACL Headquarters: (415) 921-5225.