Puyallup Valley JACL has awarded Ryan Ling a $2,000 scholarship for outstanding academic achievement and community service, the chapter said in an online announcement that was held in lieu of its annual scholarship/installation banquet, which was canceled due to the ongoing pandemic.

A graduate of Curtis Senior High School in University Place, Wash., Ling plans on attending Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University with plans of double-majoring in biochemistry and possibly marine biology.
“The reason I have decided to take [on] these fields is I believe that there are many answers in the ocean to our everyday problems that are going on — this mainly includes finding solutions to diseases such as the one that is going on right now. I hope to find these cures using 95 percent of the ocean’s undiscovered areas. I’m grateful to be the recipient of the JACL Puyallup Valley Scholarship this year, and I wish everyone well and to stay healthy,” Ling said.
Among Ling’s many accomplishments, which included actively participating in student government while in high school, his interests include swimming and being involved with the Tacoma Buddhist Temple.
The chapter congratulates Ling on his well-deserved award.