Phillip Ozaki has rejoined JACL as its membership coordinator in the organization’s San Francisco headquarters office, effective immediately.

Phillip Ozaki
Ozaki is a returning JACL staff person. As the Norman Mineta Fellow in 2009, he coordinated JACL members to advocate for the passage of federal legislation that honored Japanese American World War II veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal.
From 2010-12, he served as membership coordinator and led the growth of the program. And from 2014-16, he volunteered on the New York chapter board.
Ozaki is also an activist for the civil rights of AAPI and LGBTQ people and their intersections. During WWII, his family was unconstitutionally forced into America’s Japanese American concentration camps. He is half-Japanese American, as his mother is from the Philippines.
He has lived, studied and worked all over the country and the world. He studied sociology in his hometown, Chicago, and spent one year abroad in Japan. Recently, he completed a leading MBA program at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, as well as worked for a start-up in Berlin, Germany.
“I’m excited to work in the JACL membership department again. It’s more urgent than ever to share our story of injustice during WWII to stop the current injustices to migrant families. I’m glad to be back and hope you’ll join me in bringing new energy to JACL for solidarity, education and justice,” said Ozaki.
Following are some ways to get involved:
Upgrade to a premium membership and get a free poster: or email
Join or renew your JACL membership:
Volunteer on the chapter or national level: email
— JACL National