Ron Kuramoto
Ah, spring!
Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and reconnecting. Like baseball, spring also means a fresh, new beginning — where all teams start a new season in first (and last) place.
In 2019, the Japanese American Citizens League turns 90 years young. Throughout JACL’s history, the Pacific Citizen has chronicled, discussed and advocated on behalf of the JACL and Japanese American communities. Over the past 90 years when the United States has been repeatedly divided by racism, hatred of immigrants and economic injustices, the JACL and the Pacific Citizen have endured. But what about the next 90 years?
In baseball, the most important pitch is the next one coming, not the ones that came before. The mission of the Pacific Citizen has been to “educate on the past Japanese American experience and preserve, promote and help the current and future Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.” It is vitally important that the JACL and the Pacific Citizen remain engaged players in the game for many years to come.
Please join me in contributing to the Pacific Citizen’s 2019 Spring Campaign, which is now in full swing (literally!).
Let’s all help the JACL and the Pacific Citizen continue to keep our “eye on the ball” while always watching for that next pitch!
To the next 90 years,
Ron Kuramoto
President, JACL
Wisconsin Chapter, and MDC P.C. Editorial
Board Member