‘Communities Forged Under Fire!’ will be held virtually July 15-18.
By JACL National
Join JACL at its 51st National Convention on July 15-18. The virtual event, themed “Communities Forged Under Fire!” represents the long legacy of not only the Japanese American community’s struggles throughout history but also the shared struggles of many marginalized communities from immigration and colonization to the fight for civil rights and beyond.
Among this year’s convention highlights:
- Enjoy the most affordable convention ever (free to $35)
- Full access to four days of programming
- Expanded workshop and mixer opportunities
- Attend from anywhere!

This year’s virtual JACL National Convention will feature a slate of programming and events, including special guests Maia and Alex Shibutani (pictured at top left). (Photos: Courtesy of JACL National)
In addition to the National Council Session, this year’s Sayonara Awards will feature special guests including Olympic figure skaters Maia and Alex Shibutani. There also will be a special FREE youth rate, workshops on stopping AAPI Hate, Redress & Reparations, addressing anti-Blackness in the Japanese American community, intersectional LGBTQ issues and much more.
Visit www.jacl.org to register. JACL members receive a convention discount at $25. For more information, go to www.jacl.org/member or email mbr@jacl.org. Prices increase by $10 on June 18.