JR Fujita
Each May, we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. There are an estimated 24.7 million Asian and 1.8 million Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander residents in the United States, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau.
AANHPIs are now the fastest-growing population in the U.S., accounting for a recent 2.4 percent annual growth. AANHPI Heritage Month recognizes the contribution and influence of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States.
We see more cultural festivals and events during AANHPI Heritage Month, such as music and film events, cooking demonstrations, galas, special exhibits in museums and galleries, cultural performances and celebrations in our communities.
There will also be a variety of workshops, speakers, short films and special features held across the country. The best part — there will be diverse food offerings that bring back childhood memories and provide an opportunity for families and friends to gather, reconnect and celebrate together.
AARP also has a variety of free resources and information specific to the AANHPI community that can be found at aarp.org/home-family/voices/asian-community/. Resources include a Family Caregiving Guide, community voices highlighting stories from our community, video spotlights and information related to health, jobs and money management.
Caregiving is one of the cultural ways AANHPIs honor and show respect for their elders. The AARP Caregiving Guide is a practical tool to help you care for family elders. You’ll find information, resources and checklists to help you get organized and find the support that you might need.
There is also an AARP AAPI Community on Facebook at facebook/com/AARPAAPI, which provides a platform for connecting, viewing stories and learning about historical events, as well as a place to learn about upcoming events hosted by AARP such as film screenings, question and answer sessions and educational workshops.
However, you choose to participate in AANHPI Heritage Month, I hope you take time to celebrate in a meaningful way and learn something new!
JR Fujita is a senior state and community engagement specialist for AARP and is based in Sacramento, Calif.