The Riverside JACL chapter is celebrating its 50th year of service. Pictured at the chapter’s recent installation luncheon are (from left) Willie Takano, Nancy Takano, Dolly Ogata and Doug Urata. (Photo: Courtesy of Riverside JACL)
The Riverside JACL chapter has begun a celebratory year for its 50th anniversary of service. The “Year of Celebration” was kicked off recently with the chapter’s annual installation luncheon for members, guests and community partners.
During the luncheon proceedings, Chapter President Michiko Yoshimura, herself a member of the chapter’s original board of directors, introduced and thanked several of the group’s charter members, including Willie and Nancy Takano. Other longstanding members present included Bette Brown, Charles Fugimoto, Dolly Ogata and Lily Taka.
In addition, Robyn Peterson, newly appointed director of the Riverside Museum, updated attendees on the museum’s current remodeling project and apprised guests of the current state of renovation on the Harada House, a National Historic Landmark in the city.
The event’s featured speaker was JACL National President Gary Mayeda, who spoke on the importance of the work of JACL now as well as in the past. Mayeda also installed the chapter’s 2018 board of directors.
A slide presentation of the chapter’s activities of the past 50 years was created and presented by member Doug Urata.
Community partners and friends included representatives from the Harada Foundation, Multicultural Council, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside Metropolitan Museum, Save Our Chinatown Committee and the Sendai Committee of the International Relations Committee.