From left: Kevin Amemiya, Mikaela Fenton, Mark Nakamae, Ashley Beaver, Bradley Yasuhara, Haile Sousa, Kyle Jew and Aditi Pandey.
The San Jose chapter of the JACL held its annual Scholarship Luncheon at the Issei Memorial Building backyard on May 13 in downtown San Jose. Following a buffet lunch of sandwiches, salads, fruit and cake, eight scholarships were awarded to the following recipients:
Halle Sousa (Notre Dame High School, $10,000 Oyama Family Foundation Scholarship), Mikaela Fenton (Notre Dame High School, $3,000 Kenji Sakauye Memorial Scholarship), Kyle Jew (Saratoga High School, $2,500 George Maunaga Endowment Scholarship), Ashley Beaver (Valley Christian High School, $1,000 Masuo B. Nakamura Memorial Scholarship), Bradley Yasuhara (Gunderson High School, $1,000 Ninja Youth Foundation Scholarship), Kevin Amemiya (Leland High School, $700 San Jose JACL Chapter Award), Mark Nakamae (Bellarmine College Prep., $500 Ada Y. Uyeda Memorial Scholarship) and Aditi Pandey (Wilcox High School, $300 San Jose JACL Chapter Award).
This year’s scholarship committee was chaired by Dr. Mitsu Kumagai and consisted of Dr. John Higaki, Gary Jio, Joyce Oyama and Sharon Uyeda.