The chapter also held its installation ceremony during the special event at the Reagan Presidential Library.

Rev. Duncan Williams talks about his book “American Sutra.” (Photo: Ventura JACL)
Members and friends of the Ventura County JACL gathered at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley on Feb. 9, where the chapter held its installation ceremony and welcomed guest speaker Rev. Duncan Ryuken Williams, who spoke about his recently published book “American Sutra.” [Editor’s note: See related article here.]
During the day’s proceedings, Kenneth Inouye, past JACL national president and PSW governor, asked those gathered to offer a moment of silence in honor of the late Harry Kajihara, who was a member of the chapter and former JACL national president; Kajihara passed away on Dec. 3, 2019.
Inouye then proceeded to officially swear in the chapter’s 2020 board members, which include Dr. Lily Welty Tamai and Megan Gately, co-presidents; Jessica Wan and Betty Katsura, co-vps; Marcia Miyasaka, secretary; Ken Nakano, treasurer; Jennifer Kuo, scholarship chair; Anne Chilcott, cemetery committee coordinator; Edwin Miyasaka and Joanne Nakano, board members-at-large; and Sarah Taketa, student board member.
Following a buffet lunch, Williams, who also is a professor at the University of Southern California, shared highlights of “American Sutra,” which is based upon his 17-year research of Japanese Americans and their fight to defend their faith and preserve their religious freedom during World War II.
At the conclusion of the main program, guests were able to explore the presidential library.
The Ventura County chapter is grateful to Megan Gately for facilitating the use of the Reagan Presidential Library room.